SINCE 1992
During the COVID-19 health crisis, VWS is dedicated to providing engaging and effective distance learning opportunities for our students.
As part of the distance learning model, VWS will offer educational opportunities via a virtual platform such as Google or Zoom. Many of these platforms have the capability to capture video and sound within range of your child’s computer camera and/or microphone. VWS wishes to clarify expectations around appropriate use of virtual technology for educational purposes as follows:
1. VWS strictly prohibits screenshots, pictures, audio/video recording and distribution of any virtual educational experience in order to protect student privacy, proactively prevent potential cyberbullying, prevent the distribution of copyrighted materials and comply with Massachusetts law.* (Please note that in Massachusetts, it is illegal to record another person through any medium without his/her knowledge.)
2. Students, and where appropriate parents/guardians, agree to engage in virtual educational experiences in a quiet, private area to the extent practicable given the circumstances, in order to minimize background noise and distractions and to protect the integrity of student engagement as well as student confidentiality.
3. .Students and parents/guardians agree not to share any link or password provided by the district to access online virtual meetings or other online platforms. Links and passwords should be kept confidential.
4. Parents/guardians and other household members who normally are not privy to day-to-day classroom and group service discussions agree to respect and keep confidential any personal or private information (e.g. disability status) inadvertently discovered about other students due to proximity of distance education.
5. To protect student privacy, VWS will not record live virtual learning sessions. If a student is unable to participate in a scheduled session, the student or parent/guardian should alert the teacher/provider to make alternate arrangements if needed.
For all additional questions, concerns, or inquiries, please contact your child’s program director or principal.
By participating in/allowing my child to participate in Valley West School’s online/remote learning activities, I understand and agree to abide by the above requirements. By participating in/allowing my child to participate in VWS’ online/remote learning activities, I further understand and agree that my/my child’s image and voice will be transmitted over the internet, into the homes of other students and staff, and that VWS, while taking measures to secure transmission, cannot guarantee or warrant complete confidentiality of my/my child’s voice or image while participating in online learning.