SINCE 1992
Valley West School continues to follow the Commonwealth's guidelines for COVID-19.
Staff and students should self-screen for COVID-19 daily and follow guidelines if they are symptomatic or positive. Notify school nurse of symptoms or test results.
If exposed to a COVID-19 positive person, quarantine is no longer required nor recommended for children or staff in K-12 setting, regardless of vaccination status or where the exposure occurred. All exposed individuals may continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic.
May attend school if symptomatic with negative test and mild symptoms.
May not attend school if symptomatic with positive test
If positive:
Isolate for 5 days (Day 0 is date of symptom onset/positive test).
Return on the 6th day if symptoms are resolving & they are fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
Mask for an additional 5 days upon return UNLESS there is a negative test on Day 5 or later. Test is not required for return.
We support those who wish to mask in the school.
See the link below for more detailed information: